“Simanim’s Story is an amazing story. I was referred to the Simanim Institute after I did not have enough documents to prove my Jewishness. My mother and grandmother had Russian records, although I knew they were Jewish, they just registered that way because of the father who was Russian, and in Russia it is better to register as Russian and not as a Jew. I was told to try to dig through the archives, but I couldn’t find anything.

Several years passed, and then I heard about the possibility of proving Judaism by a DNA test. I came to the Simanim Institute, and from then everything went smoothly! At the meeting I was told that not all Jews can be seen in the DNA but I was assured that they would make every effort to prove that I was Jewish. Within two weeks, I was called that I was proved Jewish. I was very happy, and within a few weeks I already received an official approval from the court”.