Netivei Am 6, Jerusalem

Conference: Groundbreaking Sephardi Bnei Anousim mtDNA

Groundbreaking Sephardi Bnei Anousim mtDNA Research Organised by Shiloh Miriam, a Jewish Descendant of the Anousim of Portugal ‘Can mitochondrial DNA assist Bnei Anousim in their search to determine their maternal origin through genetic testing?’

הרב זאב ליטקה-בית מדרש קהילתי קרני שמרון בירורי יהדות ע”י בדיקת DNA

Rabbinate DNA tests seek Jewishness in the blood, become a bone of contention.

Institute for verification of Judaism

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‘The Times Of Israel’ Article

Rabbinate DNA tests seek Jewishness in the blood, become a bone of contention.

‘Genetics in Halacha’ – Podcast

Guest Hosted by Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer – Rav and Dayan in Yerushalayim, Founding Editor of Tzarich Iyun.
23:30 – with Rabbi Mordechai Schudrich – Chief Rabbi of Poland.
34:15 – with Dr. Shai Carmi – School of Public Health, Hebrew University.
1:10:50 – with Rabbi Ze’ev Litke – Beis Din of Harav Asher Weiss, co-author of בירורי יהדות לאור מחקרים גנטיים, Head of Simanim Institute.
1:34:30 – with Rabbi Yehoram Ulman – Rosh Beis Din of Sydney, Australia.

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